There are 85 cannabinoids exclusively, however, CBD (an abbreviation for cannabidiol) is perhaps one of the most abundant and well studied chemical compounds found in hemp oil. Despite the multitude of CBD research studies conducted on lab rats and through polling, the rigorous research necessary to satisfy the scientific community and regulatory bodies is still lacking. Research clearly demonstrating how CBD interacts with other drugs is one of the most important pieces of information needed by medical doctors to properly assess their patients’ medical conditions and where an all-natural CBD product fits in. Many people argue that the research is simply taking too long.
Of course, it would be unfair to say the foot-dragging is entirely unwarranted. The FDA has been conducting research to determine the potential health benefits of CBD, along with any drawbacks. It still does not recognized the cannabis plant as medicine, despite the fact that two FDA-approved medications exist containing cannabinoid chemicals in pill form. The reason for this is mainly that not enough large-scale clinical trials have been conducted to prove that the benefits outweigh the potential risks.
While it’s a fact that CBD does not give people the so-called “high” cannabis is infamous for, it’s possible that it may interact with some medications reinforcing or inhibiting their action. In other words, CBD may amplify or decrease some prescription medication effectiveness. No matter the reason, if you are taking prescription medications and are considering trying CBD, this may be one of the most important things to keep in mind.
CBD inhibits CYP2C19, CYP3A4, and CYP2D6. Therefore, you have to look out for side effects of medicines. As with any medicine, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the side effects of your medicines. CBD inhibits CYP2C19, CYP3A4, and CYP2D6, and may also increase medication activity and the risk of adverse medication effects.
Studies have shown that the same can be said for cytochrome P450. You can think of this enzyme as the liver pathway, which works to metabolize any drug that you take. However, when adding CBD into the mix, the cannabinoid tends to alter the enzymes in a way that isn’t commonly known. There are other naturally occurring chemical compounds found in cranberry juice as an example, that also have the ability to alter such enzymes. Those interactions are well known and well tolerated for the most part, and warning labels are given.
If your doctor is unfamiliar with CBD, then perhaps bringing it up to them will get them to look into it. In the meantime, only a medical professional can advise you about your particular conditions and whether taking CBD is a good idea or not.
Sugar & Kush CBD Helpful Links
Find out how CBD with no THC can be safe for drug tests.
Using CBD oil for anxiety and the benefits of using CBD Oil for anxiety are popular topics of studies world-wide.
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