CBD tinctures, CBD gummies and CBD baked goods are all very different than GMO potatoes.

Mr. Potato Head Getting into CBD

The world of CBD is entering a new frontier of interest and innovation. The science and medical industries are in the process of doing their due diligence to maximize uses and determine safety. The federal government is looking at policy and standards to ensure that consumers are safe.

It is essential that manufacturers of CBD oil and other CBD products maintain safe work environments and follow procedures. Consumers are interested in new ideas and what can optimize the effects of CBD. The people working on the cutting edge of creatively figuring out different ways for consumers to more easily and efficiently incorporate CBD into their daily lives are of great interest.

A hazelnut CBD tincture can be added to many different foods

The great thing about CBD is that it can be blended into any number of consumable products. CBD tinctures, CBD gummies and CBD baked goods are all available on the Sugar and Kush website. There are more applications that scientists and creatives are looking into every day. CBD has been infused into hand creams, lotions, body washes and facial masks. You can even find it in soda, beer and different foods.

Currently, there are scientists genetically modifying potatoes in Idaho so that they grow with CBD in them. Yes that’s correct, they are trying to grow CBD potatoes instead of adding the CBD after the fact. The potential is that your french fries, potato chips and more could be the most relaxing meal you eat wherever these potatoes are served. None of that is part of the Sugar and Kush CBD product line as we avoid starchy, unhealthy food and instead focus on creating products geared towards the keto diet.

Cannabidiol, the chemical most commonly extracted from Hemp and Marijuana, has now been produced inside of a potato. The substance, known to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, movement disorders, and pain, has the potential to revolutionize the potato industry. 'This is truly groundbreaking, said Carl Burbank, Head Scientist of Research at Simplot. 'These potatoes are generally easy to grow, they’re quick to mature, and they taste great.'

So, what is the benefit of having CBD infused potatoes? As stated earlier, the medical and science fields are playing catch up with hemp oil since its use was prohibited for so long. They are also probably doing it just because they can. Genetically modified food is often criticized. It is our belief that only the healthiest of foods should contain CBD as it is intended as a health and wellness product. Potatoes may have been, and continues to be, a main source of nutrition but they are rarely a part of the keto diet.

For some, the main benefit is pain relief and inflammation reduction. For others the benefits center around reducing the effects of anxiety or possibly preventing an anxiety attack. For women specifically, CBD can help with symptoms of PMS such menstrual cramps. For others, CBD helps with putting them in a better mood and frame of mind to face each day. Some people enjoy using CBD drops, others enjoy eating tasty 25mg CBD gummies. But, for others, it may be easier if the CBD is found in something even more common such as potatoes and the food items they are comfortable with.

Read more at TheBoiseTimes.com.

Sugar & Kush CBD Helpful Links

Find out how CBD with no THC can be safe for drug tests.

Using CBD oil for anxiety and the benefits of using CBD Oil for anxiety are popular topics of studies world-wide.

Using CBD oil for pain can be a safe and effective way to find relief of symptoms for women.

CBD edibles can be an effective CBD product for pain relief, especially with our popular recipes for CBD baked goods.

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