Does CBD Regulate Blood Sugar

CBD and Diabetes: Does CBD Regulate Blood Sugar?

Does CBD Regulate Blood Sugar

Diabetes affects one out of every 10 Americans. This disease can have a lasting impact on people’s health and lives. 

There is no cure yet for diabetes. That is why science is continuously looking for new ways to treat it and help reduce other symptoms of this disease. 

CBD health benefits testimonials have been popping up all over the web. People have started to talk about using CBD for stress and CBD for PMS as a natural way to relieve a variety of symptoms. That can lead many people living with diabetes to wonder, can CBD help regulate my blood sugar?

First, What Is Diabetes?

Before diving into CBD and diabetes, it is essential to know what diabetes is. 

Diabetes is a disease that impacts the body’s ability to regulate glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream. There are two forms of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. 
Type 1 diabetes means the body is not able to produce insulin, which is what regulates glucose. On the other hand, Type 2 means that the body can produce insulin, but the tissues become less sensitive to its effects. 

When left uncontrolled or untreated, diabetes can cause a variety of health issues, including:

  • Nerve damage
  • Blindness
  • Kidney issues, including kidney failure 
  • Foot damage
How Is Diabetes Treated

How Is Diabetes Treated?

Diabetes treatment involves monitoring your blood sugar levels. For Type 1 patients, they will need to give themselves frequent insulin injections to keep their levels in check. Type 2 patients will often wear an insulin pump to get insulin into their system.

Medications and lifestyle changes are also a part of daily life when it comes to having diabetes. Weight loss, exercise, and reducing the amount of carbs and sugar in your diet can help keep diabetes under control. 

With all the injections and blood sugar monitoring required to keep glucose levels in check, it is no wonder people are searching for new ways to lower and regulate blood sugar. CBD has recently become a popular topic when it comes to regulating blood sugar.

Does CBD Lower Blood Sugar?

It is important to note that CBD products will not and cannot cure diabetes. Research is new and ongoing into the effects CBD can have on people with diabetes. The results are promising, but so far, research has only been done on lab rats and mice. 

The Benefits of Using CBD for Diabetes

While CBD cannot cure diabetes, early research has shown some promising results. Currently, research indicates that CBD may:

  • Reduce chronic inflammation 
  • Ease neuropathic pain 
  • Lower cholesterol 
  • Cut down on high blood sugar 
  • Potentially up insulin production 

These are all great things for people with diabetes, but it is important to note that CBD could interact with other medications. Though CBD may help manage or improve these issues, it will not totally regulate blood sugar or cure your diabetes. 

Still, for those looking for a natural, cost-effective way to manage diabetes symptoms, CBD may be worth looking into. 

Way to Take CBD

Way to Take CBD

For diabetics wanting to try out CBD products, there are many ways you can ingest CBD, as well as some ways you may want to avoid.

Full spectrum CBD oil is a good way to use CBD. This can be applied topically or rubbed onto areas of the body for pain and inflammation. Or, you can ingest it by putting some drops under your tongue.

A CBD bath bomb is another option for diabetics to try. Simply run a warm bath and use the CBD bath bomb. The soothing and relaxing powers of CBD will be absorbed by your skin. This is great for those looking for all-over effects.

There are also some CBD products that should be used with caution, such as:

Although these are popular ways to take CBD, they may also contain high sugar levels; something diabetics need to be aware of. Make sure to read the ingredients carefully before trying these CBD products.

Choosing Quality CBD Products

If you are ready to give CBD a try, ensure you choose quality products. Finding the best CBD edibles can take some work. Go online and read CBD edibles reviews to see the effects other people have felt and get a feel for what you may experience. 

If looking to try sweets, make sure you choose the best CBD gummies and other baked goods for your diet. Read labels carefully or look for sugar-free options. 

Sugar & Kush CBD Helpful Links

Find out how CBD with no THC can be safe for drug tests.

Using CBD oil for anxiety and the benefits of using CBD Oil for anxiety are popular topics of studies world-wide.

Using CBD Oil for pain can be a safe and effective way to find relief of symptoms for women.

CBD edibles can be an effective CBD product for pain relief, especially with our popular Recipes for CBD baked goods.

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