Conceptual image of CBD legalization and use.

Is CBD Actually Legal in North Carolina

With more and more regulations and laws that are being passed concerning the use of cannabis products in the United States, many are left wondering if CBD products are legal where they live.

While recent laws have been passed in North Carolina, citizens still have many questions about what types of cannabis are actually allowed in the state. Keep reading below to learn more about what laws exist in the state and where you may be able to buy CBD products in North Carolina.

Image cannabis of the formula CBD

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a substance that is found in the cannabis plant and is considered the second most potent compound in cannabis. Since it comes directly from the hemp plant, CBD is considered safe from becoming dependent on it and studies show that it does not have the same intoxicating properties as the cannabinoids found in THC or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. CBD has been used by many to relieve many symptoms from various health conditions such as anxiety, seizures, migraines, and many others.

Found in many forms such as CBD oils, supplements, lotions, edible candy, and more, the products are more readily available than one might think. There are side effects that come with the consumption of CBD products that are unavoidable in most cases. Many of these side effects occur due to interactions with other medications that you may be taking. Some of these side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, and others that may occur.

It is important to keep in mind that following the instructions on the containers is recommended to avoid some side effects. Additionally, it may be helpful to ask those who sell CBD products what medications may cause interactions. Keep in mind that CBD does contain trace amounts of THC which could account for more severe reactions. Make sure you do your research before consuming CBD products.

What Federal Level Regulations Are in Place Concerning CBD?

Federal regulations concerning the use of CBD in the United States have come quite a long way in recent years due to the popularity of the products and benefits. Though many believe that there are many more hurdles to jump over, more and more laws and guidance is being put in place. With the approval of a medication containing CBD by the Food and Drug Administration or the FDA, more light has been shown on the possibility of added benefits of the substance. Those under certain conditions such as severe epilepsy can benefit from the medication that may actually have a chance of cutting down on the seizures they experience.

Since the passing of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 that made all kinds of cannabis illegal, it has been a chore to change some of the marijuana laws that would allow products such as those that contain the safer cannabinoids like CBD legal. However, the United States Farm Bill of 2018, which made industrial hemp production legal, has led the way for some major changes in the regulations of hemp extract products.

What is the Industrial Hemp Pilot Program?

Industrial hemp, which is Cannabis sativa L with less than 0.3% of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol was legalized by the Farm Bill of 2018. This bill made the production of hemp legal due to the change in status from a Schedule I drug. The Industrial Hemp Pilot Program in North Carolina was established to allow local growers to have the legal right to cultivate hemp.

This means they have to apply for a license from the Industrial Hemp Commission if they wish to grow hemp plants on their property. The commission creates specific rules for the requirements of applying for a license to grow hemp. In most cases, there are very stringent processes requiring the individual growers to report where they will get the seeds from.

What Are the Legal Regulations in North Carolina Concerning CBD?

Due to the Industrial Hemp Pilot Program in 2014, further regulations were created to establish rules that would guide how the licensing process would go. This was the Senate Bill 313 which allowed the commission to create regulations for North Carolina CBD laws. House Bill 992 increased the research program around hemp and then the North Carolina Farm Act of 2019, otherwise known as Senate Bill 315 created more clarification on everything else that has to do with hemp. This included the development, production, and possession of hemp or hemp-related products.Β 

Cannabidiol or CBD that comes from the hemp plant is considered legal in the state of North Carolina. The Industrial Hemp Pilot Program is what led the way for CBD products to be considered legal by the state laws. In addition to the other regulations that have been put in place in North Carolina, in 2014, they also passed House Bill 220, which is the North Carolina Epilepsy Alternative Treatment Act. This regulation was put in place to allow those with intractable epilepsy as long as they register to possess hemp products with a higher percentage of THC, or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol.

There are also certain regulations that account for those individuals who have a prescription from a medical professional to have medical marijuana for certain medical conditions. Some of these conditions include those taking chemotherapy and those who have HIV/AIDS. This law also allows for no regulation when it comes to the amount of CBD products one can possess. Again, this only applies to those who have registered for medical use with the North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services, or DHHS.

Are People Who Use CBD Protected From Mandatory Drug Testing?

The Lawful Use of Lawful Products regulation in North Carolina states that employees or potential employees cannot be discriminated against if they have used hemp or other legally allowed substances. This applies to those who have participated in these activities away from their place of employment. The challenge with this specific law is that although CBD only contains less than 0.3% of THC or marijuana, it can still show up in a drug test as positive.

When this occurs, it cannot typically be determined whether the individual engaged in legal CBD or illegal marijuana use. Until further research and scientific procedures are put in place, the issue can still cause a problem with determining whether or not there should be repercussions for the use. The other problem with testing comes in when manufacturers mislead consumers with misinformation about the amount of THC or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol in the CBD.

How Are CBD Products Protected From Law Enforcement?

In light of the similarities between hemp products and marijuana, in some cases, law enforcement may have a hard time determining between the two. Since the regulations that have taken place in North Carolina and other parts of the country, much of law enforcement have not been properly trained to determine the difference. Because of this, it cannot be guaranteed that individuals will not be prosecuted for possessing hemp or CBD products.

This is especially true since CBD can still test positive on not only drug tests but field tests that police use. In the same way that individuals can be prosecuted for violation of possession limits of hemp products that may be mistaken as marijuana, they also have the authority to confiscate it as well. In most cases, leaving your products in their original packaging can help alleviate some of the confusion.

Do You Need a License to Sell CBD in North Carolina?

Although specific licenses are required for the cultivation of hemp plants in the state of North Carolina, it is not required to have a license to sell or even purchase CBD in the state. The laws state that this is especially true as long as the THC, or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol levels are less than 0.3%.Β  Just the same as federal laws, since the FDA does not support the use of CBD as food or other uses, there are certain things that proprietors have to abide by. This includes the fact that they cannot willingly mislead customers which includes false information on the labels of the products.

Where Can CBD Be Purchased in North Carolina?

Since the newer regulations were put in place, there have been more stores and dispensaries that have opened in the state of North Carolina. This means that CBD products are more readily available for those who wish to purchase them. If you are looking for stores that sell these types of products, in most cases, you can either do a quick internet search or contact your local Chamber of Commerce for more information. In this day and age technology, social media can also be a great source of information to find stores near you.

In many of the bigger cities such as Charlotte and Raleigh, there may be more options to buy CBD oil and other products. You will need to check with the local laws and regulations to ensure that it is legal.Β  Additionally, in the state of North Carolina, you can also buy CBD products through online stores. This is because of the regulations that made it legal for the United States Postal Service and other delivery companies to deliver these products to citizens in the state.

Cannabis liquid. Vape CBD or THC, Vaping Marijuana and Hemp. Against a Dark Background. Thick steam.

What Are Some Popular CBD Products?

CBD products can be purchased in a variety of ways depending on the individuals’ personal preferences. There are many people who purchase some of the most popular products from various sources. Some of these products include:

  • CBD oils
  • Lotions and creams
  • Tinctures
  • Vape products
  • Capsules
  • Edibles, such as CBD gummies and other types of candy
  • Beverages

While there are many more varieties of CBD products available, it is expected that many others may be produced as time goes on. Since more and more states will be changing the way the regulations as they learn new information, the demand for these products will become even more.There are some people who prefer to use CBD oil drops with specific flavors such as Vanilla Flavored CBD Oil Drops.

The most common way to administer these drops is typically to squeeze a few drops under the tongue as directed by the instructions on the bottle. Other products that are popular are roll-on hemp oils that you can just rub onto your wrist or other areas of your body as directed by the instructions on the container. One specific product that many people enjoy is Amethyst Chakra Roll-on (Infused with CBD and essential oils).

What Should I Look For When Purchasing CBD in North Carolina?

It is important to ensure that you are getting not only the deals on your CBD products but that you are also getting the best products. Because of this, it is vital that you do your research to make sure that you are working with a reputable company. Additionally, it is important that you understand what you are buying by following a few guidelines since it is possible that some manufacturers are not being completely honest with the amounts of CBD is in the product.

Here are some important guidelines that you should follow when looking for high-quality CBD products online or at other retailers:

  • Do they participate in 3rd Party Testing? This is important because if someone else has tested the product that is not connected to the manufacturer, then you can guarantee that the product contains what it says it does.
  • If it is too good to be true, it probably is. Companies that claim out-of-the-ordinary claims of miraculous cures for certain conditions are not reputable and you should avoid purchasing from them.
  • Verify the THC content in the product. This is important, especially in North Carolina, because the consequences tend to be more severe. If you are found to be in possession of CBD products that have more than the legal amount of THC, you can be prosecuted for the issue.

In addition, there is specific information that is important for you to take into consideration when purchasing CBD products. Reading labels, for most things, is an important habit to get into. This is especially important when purchasing CBD products. There are many things that you will need to look out for when reading these labels including:

  • Recommended use
  • Whether the product is isolate, broad-spectrum, full-spectrum CBD
  • Name of the manufacturer or distributor
  • CBD Amount per serving
  • Date of manufacture or batch code
  • Fact Information about other supplements that may be included

It is important to keep in mind that there are laws that are in place which restrict THC consumetion. Double check that your CBD products do not contain THC as using these products for recreational use could violate laws.

Live in North Carolina? Time to Enjoy CBD!

When you plan to buy CBD products in the state of North Carolina, there are many things you have to understand especially about the legalities. Once you know what the legal ramifications of purchasing or possessing CBD or hemp-based products are in the state, you will be better prepared.

If you live in North Carolina and are ready to start your journey with CBD products, you may want to consider what products experts recommend. Those who either work in the field as distributors, either online or in retail stores can give you valuable information about some of the best CBD products available.

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**I understand the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results from products may vary. These items are not intended to cure, treat or prevent any diseases.**
Hemp Derived CBD. Non-Detectable THC.


This product is not for use by or sale to persons under the age of 18. This product should be used only as directed on the label. It should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult with a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications. A Doctor's advice should be sought before using this and any supplemental dietary product. All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners and are not affiliated with nor do they endorse this product. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual weight loss results will vary. By using this site, you agree to follow the Privacy Policy and all Terms & Conditions printed on this site. Void Where Prohibited by Law.